Electronic money institution
  • Cession d'entreprise
  • Mise à jour le 01/07/2024
  • CA : 1 285 k€
Fiche d'identité de la société

Forme juridique Indifférent
Ancienneté de la société Entre 5 et 10 ans
Localisation du siège Lituanie
Résumé général de l'activité
Main service : Business bank accounts for companies.

Licensed by Central bank of Lithuania.

Type of license: Electronic Money Institution (EMI).

License year of issue : 2017.

Available for financial services in Europe.

Company was inspected by Central Bank in 2024 March

It means you will get a fully audited company by the Regulator with no hidden issues.

Connected to SEPA.

Direct connection to SEPA via Centrolink (service, provided by Central Bank).

Very low transaction costs.

Partnership agreements regarding International payments
We have agreements with other banks regarding international (SWIFT) payments.

Our clients can send money worldwide.

- VISA Payment cards.
- VISA private and business cards, plastic and virtual - both.

- For every financial institution it is a "must" product
Low operating costs.

Despite strong regulation we effectively manage our costs.
It is about 100K per month.

Strong AML and compliance team.

About 25% of our staff is involved in AML processes.

It means we meet high standards of industry compliance
100% of the company for sale.

We are looking to sell 100% of shares.

New owners should meet high compliance standards and they must be confirmed by the Regulator.